Troubles of Youth Lecture Materials
On this page you will find a brief lecture outline (hopefully before the lecture) and additional readings: click on the relevant links to access the materials.
Also, please note that when you open the lecture notes, you do not need to print them out "one slide to a sheet": When you open the file, click on the printer icon, and in "Page Scaling" select "Multiple Sheets per sheet", and then select how many you want on a page.
Semester Two (Scroll Down for Semester One)
Lec 1 Term 2 - The Politics of Youth Justice.pdf
Lec 2 - The Incarceration of Young People.pdf
Lec 3 - Evaluation.ppt
Lec 4 - Restorative Justice.ppt
Additional Reading
Sherman - RJ Systematic Review - YJB.pdf
Lec 5 - Education and Youth Justice
Lec 6 - Drugs and Young People.ppt
Lec 7 - TOY essay feedback 08-09.ppt
Lec 8 - Working with Young Offenders.ppt
Lec 9 - Resettlement, Reintegration and Aftercare.ppt
Semester One
Lecture Three: Contemporary Experience of Youth
Lec 3 - The Contemporary Experience of Youth.pdf
Freedom's Orphans Summary
Geoff Pearson CJM
hall and winlow - crime culture and instrumentalism.pdf
Barnardos - demonisation of Children
Lecture Four: The Social Construction of Childhood and Youth
Lec 4 - The Social Construction of Youth and Childhood.pdf
warner - adolescents from hell.doc
welch at al - moral panic over youth violence.pdf
Hendrick Children and Childhood.pdf
Lecture Five: Video: You're Not Splitting up my Family
No notes for this week, of course, but a really interesting and unique documentary. It charts the story of a family: a father, his mother, and his two twin sons. The son's mother had died 4 years prior to the start of the film, which looks at the various interventions made into the two sons lives, mainly by social services. This is interesting, but what I would like you to think about, and chart in some way, is the way the two boys move from one intervention to another, how their personal relationships change and affect them, and increasingly from one form of problematic behaviour to another. What are the influences on their lives (good and bad): could anything have been done differently for them: what were there own roles in determining the pathways they took as they grew up?
Lecture Six: Pathways into, and out of, Crime
This week, we will finish the video, and then a short lecture will pick up on some of the themes, and will look at how criminologists have address issues relating age to offending. These will then lead on to next weeks stuff. Remember you have two articles to read for the seminar (the "Key Readings listed below)
Lecture Notes:
Lec 6 - Age and Criminal Activity 0809.ppt
Age and the Explanation of Crime: Hirschi and Gottfreson
David Farrington - Criminal Careers research in the UK.pdf
laub and sampson - understanding desistance.pdf
Terrie Moffitt - Adolescence-Limited and Life-course Persistent Antisocisl Behavior: A developmental taxonomy
Why do the Young Turn to Crime: ESRC report
Patterns underlying the Age-Crime Curve
SCOPIC Studies (SCOPIC= Social Contexts of Pathways in Crime)
Lecture Seven: Criminal Careers: Perspectives, Debates and Controversies
Lec 7 - Criminal Careers.ppt
For related Seminar Reading see the "Seminar Materials" page
Lecture Eight: Young People and Risk
Lecture Notes:
Lec 8 Young People and Risk.ppt
Additional Reading
BBC News - "Safety rules harming kids"
Astroth - Are youth at risk?
Lecture Nine: Youth Culture and Subculture
Lecture Notes
Lec 9 - Gangs, Subculture and Identity.pdf
Additional Readings
Hallsworth - CJM Getting Real about Gangs.pdf
Richard Wright et al - The Foreground Dynamics of Street Robbery
Ball and Curry - Definition of Gangs.pdf
Reluctant Gangster - Youth Gangs in Waltham Forest - John Pitts.pdf
"Shootings, Gangs and Violent Incidents in Manchester" - Tilley and Bullock
Morash - Gangs.doc
BBC TV Report on the Boston Model:
Lecture Ten: Gender and Youth
Lecture Notes
Lec 9 - The Gendered experience of Young People.ppt
Additional Readings
Batchelor - The Myth of Girl Gangs.pdf
Broidy and Agnew - Gender and Crime - General Strain.pdf
Changes in the Gender Gap.pdf
Chisolm - Youth Transitions, Gender and Social Change.pdf
CJM - Masculinities and Crime.pdf
gender self-control and crime.pdf
hadjar - power-control theory.pdf
Irwin + Chesney-Lind - BeyondDangerousMasc.pdf
Laidler - Accompany Femininity in the Gang.pdf
Morash - Gender, Peer Group and Seriousness of Delinq.pdf
Lecture Eleven: Families and Parenting
Lec 10 Family, Parenting and Crime.pdf
Additional Reading
Akers et al - Social Learning Theory.pdf
Unnever - badparenting.pdf
Juby and Farrington - Diff Family configs and delinq.pdf
goldson and jamieson - youth crime, parenting deficit.pdf
UNICEF Report-card-8.pdf
Mooney - Its the family stupid.doc
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