Welcome to the Troubles of Youth Wiki!
This is the Wiki website for the Troubles of Youth unit, taught in the Department of Sociology, Manchester Metropolitan University. Currently, the site is fairly basic, but please feel free to contact me if there is something you wish to add.
Dan Ellingworth (d.m.ellingworth@mmu.ac.uk )
Unit Announcements
Next Two Weeks (23rd February and 2nd March)
We have, for a few reasons, had to change the running order for the next couple of weeks: this will now be as follows:
23rd February - The seminar will address the next piece of coursework: we will run through what the aim of the coursework is, what you need to be including in the report, and good places to carry out your research. The lecture will address Drug Use and Young People.
As soon as the coursework marks and feedback are ready, you will receive the feedback sheets through your MMU student email account.
2nd March - In the seminar, Chris will give his students the opportunity to discuss their first piece of coursework with him, and will give a joint feedback session for everyone at 3pm. Dan will arrange some office hours to do the same with his students (I have to be away from the university on the 2nd March) (see below).
23rd February: Advice Sheet for Coursework 2 (due 20th April)
You can access the coursework advice sheet for the second piece of coursework HERE . The evaluation seminar guidance is also worth reading: Evaluation Seminar Outline and Guidance.doc (this refers to Home Office "British Experience of Scared Straight" ). There is also a new link at the bottom of this page to "Useful Online Links for Coursework Two".
Coursework Feedback (Dan's Seminar Groups)- Week Beginning 2nd March
I am away from the university on Monday 2nd March, so my seminars are cancelled (the lecture is on though). In their place, I am arranging some office hours to feedback on Coursework 1, and to answer any questions about coursework 2.
These are as follows:
Wed 4th March
10.30am – 1.30pm
Thurs 5th March
10.30am - 12 and 2-4pm
Friday 6th March
10.30am – 1.30pm
Advice for the first piece of coursework can be found HERE. Please note that despite what it says in the Unit Outline, the word length for the assessments is 2500 words. Chris has also prepared a powerpoint presentation that is useful: it is availableHERE
As it stands, the wikisite has three sections
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